
First Mission Experience

                                                Sister Philomena Anne with resident

Sr. Philomena Anne is currently on her First Mission experience in Staten Island, NY. She does Communion rounds, visiting and spending time with residents.  She likes being creative and so she also works in the  Activities Department. Here she is shown wheeling a resident to the elevators after Mass. She returns to the Motherhouse on May 29th just in time for our Memorial day cook-out!

On May 15, the Carmelite pre-novices and Father Mario Esposito, O.Carm. invited us for Evening Prayer, recreation and dinner at their Formation House in Harrison, NJ. Our hosts were most gracious and gave us a mini tour of the house that used to be the convent of a group of religious Sisters.  It was a great opportunity to gather with those in initial formation to celebrate our common life and vocation in Carmel and as an anticipated  celebration to honor the memorial of Saint Simon Stock on May 16.


A SISTER'S PAGE: A Prayerful Reflection

A Week of Silence, Prayer and Reflection
With Spiritual Direction
Blessings, difficulties, changes and growth
                Were an affirmation
In silence God’s voice I heard
                With his love and affection
Which drew me closer to God
                With every prayer and aspiration
A week of rest and prayer
                Were an inspiration
When down the mountain I climb
                To those I touch
Let me be an Inspiration
To those who may be in desolation (complete loneliness)
                And mystification (confusion, memory loss)
As I bring your love to those
                Who need your sanctification (God’s will)
And even help with intervention
                May my life be lived with
                                Compassion and consolation.  Amen.

Sr. M. Michelle of All Saints Moore, O.Carm.
Directed Retreat April 23 - 30, 2017