On this
Feast of St. Therese, October 1, 2012, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and
Infirm thank God for the grace of welcoming new Sisters to our
Congregation. The Reception Ceremony
started with the four Postulants entering the Chapel and gathering in front of the
main altar. They were then asked the
question, “What do you desire?” The
Postulants then responded, “I ask the mercy
of God and the habit of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I wish to learn and to live this way of life
and to be tested, so that I may be admitted to this religious Community for the
following of Christ.” After invoking
God’s blessings, the holy habits were then blessed and given to each Postulant
by Mother Mark Louis Anne, Superior General, as they left Chapel.

The Postulants
then returned to Chapel dressed in the Carmelite habit and knelt down to
receive their religious names: “Your name in religion will be- Sr. Luke Mary Angeline, Sr. Mary Catherine Angeline, Sr. Maureen Paul Angeline and Sr.
Hope Therese Angeline.”
The Chapel then
filled with applause as the Community gave a warm welcome to our new
Novices! The Eucharistic celebration of
the Feast of Saint Therese then followed.
Our main celebrant, Father Ashley Harrington, O.Carm, of the Most Pure Heart
of Mary Province, thanked God for the graces bestowed upon the new novices and
our Congregation. It was appropriate that
Father Ashley would make “remembrance” as the theme of the day. This happy event, experienced by all the
Sisters who by their own calling answered the call of God, is an invitation to
our new Sisters to etch and to cherish in their memories this “first hour, of
the first day, of their Carmelite religious life.” The journey has started, and the road is
long, but for those who chose to follow the Will of God in their lives, every
day of the journey is a new beginning since the Will of God is always in the

(L to R): Fr. Ashley Harrington, O.Carm., Sr. Luke Mary Angeline, O.Carm., Sr. Hope Therese Angeline, O.Carm., Sr. Maureen Paul Angeline, O.Carm., Sr. Mary Catherine Angeline, O.Carm., Mother Mark Louis Anne, O.Carm. |
A delicious
meal was then enjoyed by everyone present.
Congratulations, Sisters! May you
find your life in Carmel joyful, fulfilling and full of promise!